A. M.A. In History (From : Vikram University, Ujjain)
B. M. Phil in Future Study & Planning (From : Devi Ahilya University, Indore)
C. LL.B. (From : Mohanlal Sukhadiya University Udaypur, Rajasthan)
D. LL.M. (From: Devi Ahilya University, Indore)
Worked as:
A. Worked as a social worker from 1986 to 2008 in many voluntary organizations of Madhya Pradesh.
B. Writing for various newspapers as a freelance journalist. Under this, an attempt was made to get the issues of the people included in the mainstream media.
C. The struggle, courage, and success of rural women in rural development were studied under the National Media Fellowship.
D. Studied Rural Journalism in Madhya Pradesh under Prem Bhatia Scholarship.
E. Panchayat Raj system in Madhya Pradesh was studied under Charkha Development Communication Network New Delhi.
F. Training, documentation, training modules, research and studies have been done for more than 35 organizations of country.
G. 20 books written on various issues for public awareness.
H. Advocacy on incidents related to domestic violence and women’s rights as an advocate.
Award & Fellowships
1. The Laadli Media and Advertising Award (2014) for reporting of Gender Sensitivity (By United Nation Papulation Funds).
2. Sarojini Naidu Prize (2001 for special reporting on women in Panchayat Raj (By The Hunger Project).
3. TarunBhaduri Memorial Award (1997), Bygovernment of Madhya Pradesh for special reporting of rural development issues of Madhya Pradesh.
4. National Foundation Media Fellowship (2001)by National Foundation for India, New Delhi for study on works and struggle of women representatives of panchayats.
5. Prem Bhatia Scholarship(1999) by Prem Bhatia Memorial Trust, New Delhi for study of status of rural reporting in Hindi newspapers.
6. Ramakant chaudhury Memorial Award (1991), by Journalist Forum, Dewas for summative work in the field of journalism.
As Founder
1. Samaan Society (Organization for Equality and Justice)
2. YANTRIKA (India’s First Women Mechanic Garage)
3. CCN (Community Communication Network, for development communication.