Researches and studies were done on various issues. Also, several training modules were developed. Many Books were written in simple language to make aware of the complex and legal issues and legal rights to the people.
Researches & Studies
Research on Forest Right Act, in Madhya Pradesh, for Indo Global Social Service Society (IGSSS).
Research on Widow Pension in Tribal District of Madhya Pradesh – Jhabua&Alirajpur, for Ngo Adivasi Chetana under the project of PACS.
Study focused on the socio-economic condition of the tribal community of Patalkot in Chhindwara district of Madhya Pradesh.
study on “need for employment in driving and the potential of Youth joining it” in Indore (MP) Bettiah (Bihar) and Ajmer (Rajesthan) for Eicher Group Foundation.
Study on Panchayat election – 2000 in Madhya Pradesh for Vikas Setu Group, Dewas, M.P. (2000)
Study on status, reason and solution of water crisis in Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh for Vikas Setu Group, Dewas, M.P. (2000)
Study of effectiveness of Panchayat Raj in Madhya Pradesh for Charkha Development Communication Network, New Delhi. (1998)
Research on “Status of Right to Education” in Madhya Pradesh For Child Right & You (CRY) & Madhya Preadesh Lok SangharsSajhamanch – 2011, 2012 & 2013 .
Research Study on “Social & Economical Status of Dalit Muslim in MP, UP, Bihar, Rajasthan & Maharashtra.
Research on Implementation of The Scheduled Castes & The Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities Act) Act 1989.
Study of drought in Bundelkhand region. For ActionAid and Janpahal.
Writing the Modules
Community Empowerment Training Module focused on Governance for `Tarashi org Under the project of Sir DorabjiTaTa Trust.
Special work on watershed management, Under this, training models focused on water and soil conservation were prepared and watershed committees were given training. (Year 1994 to 2000)
Inclusion of Dilit Children in School, under the project of Child Right & You (CRY).
Remove Malnutrition module, under the project of Welt Hunger Hilf.
Training Module for village committees focused on ICDS, PDS, Health Centre & School (4 Modules) under the project of Affiliated Network of South Asia (ANSA).
Training module on “Law for Women” Including criminal law “Criminal Law (Amandment) Act, 2013”, “Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act 2013”.
Write the training module on “PESA Act” &Panchyat Raj Act for Tarashi, Bhopal.
Module on” Scheduled Tribes And Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006” for AshthaSansthan, Udaipur (Rajasthan).
Module on PESA Act for AshthaSansthan, Udaipur (Rajasthan).
Community Empowerment Training Module focused on Governance for Tarashi org Under the project of Sir DorabjiTaTa Trust.
Writing books for Community awareness
Book on “Scheduled Castes & The Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities Act) Act 1989” for The Hunger Project, Bhopal (MP)
Book focused on Crpc& cps (court procedure) named “KeiseHota Hai Nyay” for Taal, Bhopal.
Book on Muslim Personal Law, for Taal, Bhoapl.
Book on First Information Report (FIR) for Taal, Bhopal.
Book on PESA Act for The Hunger Project, Bhopal
Book on “Dangerous Machine (Regulation) Act 1983”, for Taal, Bhopal.
Bookon “ Fertilizer (Control) Act 1985” for Taal, Bhopal.
Book on Forest Right Act (Scheduled Tribes And Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006) for Adivasi Chetana Samiti, Jhabua.
Book on National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 2005, for Samaan Society, Indore.
Book on Right to Information Act for Jansahas, Dewas.
Book on “Protection of Women fromDomesticViolenceAct 2005” for Parath Samiti, Chhindwara.
Book on Vishakha Guideline for Parath Samiti, Chhindwara.
Book on Food Security Act for The Hunger Project, Madhya Pradesh.
Book on Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan for The Hunger Project, Madhya Pradesh
Bookl on Public Services at Rural Area forTarashi, Bhopal.
Book on Panchyat Raj and GovernanceThe Hunger Project, Madhya Pradesh